Kurkure Facts

Kurkure Plastic Talks are Baseless Rumours

Do Not Say No To Kurkure Chilli Chatka

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Kurkure is a snack that is liked by people of all ages and every nationality. I read a review by a foreign chef on the tasty and delicious snack i.e. Kurkure Chilli Chatka.

This is what he had to say,

Back from the Indian food store, second trip, for this Frito Lay product from India. What surprised me was the bag was mostly in English.

Chatka from what I saw online means burn.

What you get is a product that looks very much like a cheeto, a bit smaller imo on most pieces.

The color this time is brownish with some seasoning on it

The brownish color must be from the graham meal they are using. It also includes rice and corn meal as well.

A regular cheeto only has corn meal in it.

The seasoning includes chili, onion powder, fennel, garlic powder, coriander powder, black pepper, ajwain, and cumin

The flavor though was amazing. Heat level though was not much, but you can taste it.

A big thumbs up, but can you find it locally though???

(You can find the original review at http://www.discusscooking.com/forums/f26/kurkure-chilli-chatka-review-59369.html)

This is what a foreigner had to say about the famous Indian snack “Kurkure”. And we in Indian believe in rumours that Kurkure contains plastic. It is time to think proactively. We as consumers cannot be deceived by any rumour that is spread by any miscreant.

Jago Grahak, Jago!

Written by pure007

August 6, 2009 at 4:24 pm

3 Responses

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  1. My husband got Kurkure Chilli Chatka yesterday. We would be having it today and would let you know how is the Kurkure Chilli Chatka flavor.

    I don’t believe in the rumors surrounding Kurkure that Kurkure contains plastic. So would be definitely having it along with my husband.


    August 13, 2009 at 10:28 am

  2. Having the tasty Kurkure Chilli Chatka right now. It is a yummy flavour. What I liked most about this flavour is that it is a combo of healthy and tasty Indian spices.

    On the Kurkure Chilli Chatka pack, it is printed that Kurkure Chilli Chatka is made of the following ingredients.
    Rice Meal
    Edible Vegetable Oil
    Corn Meal
    Gram Meal
    Spices and Condiments (Chilli Powder, Onion Powder, Fennel Powder, Garlic Powder, Coriander Powder, Black Pepper Powder, Ajwain Powder, Cumin Powder)
    Citric Aicd
    Tartaric Acid

    After knowing about the ingredients used in Kurkure, do you still feel that there can be plastic in Kurkure.

    So people enjoy eating your Kurkure as before.


    August 13, 2009 at 4:22 pm

  3. i really luv kurkure chilli chtka…….it changes d taste of ur mouth…. really chatpata… ❤

    Sanjana Tiwari

    September 8, 2013 at 1:09 pm

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